Police DAV Public School

Police Line, Civil Lines, Ludhiana - 141001

Rules of Conduct and Discipline  

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

Once you have commitment, you need the discipline and hardwork to get there."

                             Observance of the following rules is compulsory for all the students and parents and deviations if any, will lead to disciplinary action
1. All students are expected to speak English in the School.
2. Every student must carry his/her School Diary daily.
3. School Uniform is compulsory during school hours and for all school functions including all such events where students are representing the school outside.
4. Bullying and use of foul language are punishable offences whether in or out of school. Students found indulging in the same will be expelled.
5. Damaging or disfiguring any school property may result in suspension / expulsion from the school.
6. Students should not take home anything from the school which does not belong to them. In case they find anything they should deposit to their class teacher or at the reception.
7. Littering the school premises is strictly prohibited.
8. Students are expected to carry books and notebooks in strict accordance with the time table and should not bring unnecessary material to the school.
9. Students are not allowed to bring CDs or storage devices like pen drives, Ipods,Ipads or Tablets to school. Violation may result in suspension.
10. Bringing money mobile phones, cameras, expensive pens silver braclets, rings and other kind of ornaments etc. to school is strictly not allowed. Such items will be confiscated by the school authorities if found. The school is not responsible for any article/money lost.
11. Parents must assure that the child carries tiffin to school everyday. In case the tiffin is missed out, parents are requested to handover the tiffin of their ward themselves and must bring the PARENTS' IDENTITY CARD. No tiffin will be accepted without verifying the PARENTS' IDENTITY CARD issued by the school.
12. Parents are requested to strictly follow the School Lunch Menu while preparing the tiffin for their wards.
13. No student is permitted to leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal. Only in case of emergency parents are allowed to pick their wards from
the school by showing the PARENTS' IDENTITY CARD. No other Identity Card for the same will be entertained.
14. The Parents need to make an entry in the Register kept at the School Gate and get a Visitor Pass issued before entering the Campus. The same needs to be returned at the time of exit.
15. In case of prolonged illness of the student, the parent must submit his/her leave application along with a Medical Certificate to the Principal.
16. Cycle must be locked and kept at the cycle stand. While entering or leaving the School Gate, the school students should walk instead of riding. Students of the school upto class X are strictly prohibited to ride scooters, motor cycles or cars etc.to school. In case the students of class XI, XII with valid learner’s license wish to come to school on their own conveyance can do so on their own risk/responsibility. The school does not own any responsibility regarding the safety of the student/vehicle.
17. The parents & the students are expected to Rules and Regulations regarding School Transport given on page no. 11, carefully and follow the same.
18. Parents, Guardians or drivers who pick and drop the students should always carry the PARENTS' IDENTITY CARD, issued by the school.
19. Students should be habitually clean and neatly dressed up.
20. Students should behave in a refined manner always obeying and respecting their teachers, parents and elders remembering that they are being judged by their conduct.
21. The school reserves the right to terminate the continuance of students with unsatisfactory progress in studies or whose conduct is unexemplary for others.
22. Girls are not allowed to wear jewellery and fancy clips or apply nail paint. No hair colour or highlights are allowed. The student who will be found disobeying the school norms will be let off with a warning for the first time. If the mistake is repeated, then action will be taken as per school rules.
23. Students are not allowed to carry any objectionable literature, crackers, toys, dangerous instrument, tobacco products, alcoholic drinks, chewing gums and soft drinks to school.
24. By enrolling in the school, it is understood that parents and pupils have read, understood and agreed to comply with these rules.


  1st Time   2nd Time   3rd Time
Late arrival Warning Warning Will be sent back home.

Improper Uniform


Warning Warning

Damage to School Property


Actual Value  


Creating Indiscipline (as mentioned in point 4 and 24)

Warning Warning
Possession of Mobile Phone / Camera A fine of Rs. 500 (to be deposited by parents) will be charged. The confiscated article will be returned at the end of the session                        


Contact Us ↓

Police Line, Civil Lines,
Ludhiana - 141001
Phone : 0161-4665237, 0161-4605237
E-mail : [email protected]
Website : www.policedavldh.org

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