Police DAV Public School

Police Line, Civil Lines, Ludhiana - 141001

Leave Rules  
1. No leave of absence will be granted except on prior written application from Parents/Guardians. Such an application must be supported by a valid reason.
2. Leave application should be sent on the leave form(s) provided in the School Diary at the last duly signed by the Parent or Guardian.
3. A student returning to school after recovering from a contagious or infectious disease should also produce a Doctor's Certificate of Fitness permitting him/her to
attend school. If a student fails to produce such a certificate, the School Authorities are entitled to send him/her back.
4. All students are expected to attend the school on the re-opening day after each vacation. Students who return late after the vacation without prior leave
application will be fined as per the school rules.
5. In case a student remains absent from the school for more than 10 days, without prior information his/her name will be struck off the rolls.
6. Students will not be allowed to leave the school premises before the dispersal time, except in a case of genuine urgency. In such a case, the Parent will be allowed to pick his/her ward only after verification of the PARENTS' IDENTITY CARD
7. Please note that children will not be sent home in an emergency with any person other expect Parent/Guardian during school hours.
8. Leave exceeding 4 days (other than Medical Leave) should be supported with a valid reason/document. i.e. (Family / Travel / Any other). The leave form(s) are enclosed in the diary itself.
Contact Us ↓

Police Line, Civil Lines,
Ludhiana - 141001
Phone : 0161-4665237, 0161-4605237
E-mail : [email protected]
Website : www.policedavldh.org

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